Seven Ways to Be A More Conscious Consumer

This isn’t an exhaustive list, nor does it even come close. But here are a few steps we can all adopt to become more conscious consumers.

  1. Buy versatile pieces you love. When you do go shopping, quality is more important than quantity. Buy items that will last and go with your other clothing items. Treat clothing as an investment, something that will last you years. You don’t need ten purses, if you have one quality purse.

  2. Buy secondhand. The more you buy pre-loved, the less gets sent to our landfills or overseas. Plus, it’s fun to find fabulous deals on quality products. For those of you who feel uncomfortable with this, try it out! Reduce any stigmas you may encounter by encouraging your friends to do it too.

  3. Trade clothes with friends. If you get tired of a clothing item, trade it with a friend of a similar size! You get double the wardrobe for half the cost.

  4. Demand accountability from the brands you know and love. Let companies know you care. Read the fine print and demand supply chain transparency. See how your company treats women and how it pays its employees.

  5. Shop small & local. Whenever possible, support smaller, local businesses. From boutiques to bakeries to bookstores, local gems won’t be around forever unless we support them. And farmers markets. Don’t forget about them.

  6. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. We’ve all grown up hearing these. But they still hold true. Minimize waste, bring your own reusable bags, recycle paper & plastic, repurpose things that could be thrown away, turn off the lights when you leave the room. You know the drill. But every little bit counts!

  7. Tell others! Make it a social thing. Encourage people to adopt a few of these tips with you. Shopping (secondhand or otherwise) is always fun with a styling consultant!

Long story short: We can’t all do everything, but we can all do something. While these issues won’t solve issues like waste and low working wages for garment workers on their own, it’s a small step that can make a huge difference. And don't forget - RoHo is committed to it with you!

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